Tag Archives: healthcare

Control uncontrolled healthcare costs through Trubamacare

Controlling uncontrolled Heathcare Costs: Trubamacare (Trump-Obama Care)

The Republican controlled house has finally delivered on its promise to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. They have ramrodded the American Health Care Act, (let’s call it Trumpcare, a counterpoint to Obamacare) through the House and it now sits as a steaming, smelly pile on the Senate’s polished, antique table. A lot has been said and written comparing the two plans. In this post I will concentrate on the following two salient points which tend to get lost in the punditry:

  1. Both deal with how the costs are shared among the different categories of recipients, e.g. the young, the old and the ones with preexisting conditions.
  2. Neither of them deal with the fundamental problem facing our health care system: the uncontrolled burgeoning of health care costs.

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My Experience with the Affordable Care Act: the Good, the Bad and the Doable


Mid-November 2015. It was time to negotiate the maze for signing up for health insurance through the health insurance marketplace (www.healthcare.gov). Am I a fan of the system? No and yes. Last year I had to sign up via phone (the website could not verify my identity). That was in Nov. 2014. My identity is now verified but I still cannot, a year later, access my 2015 application on the website. There is no explanation. So, imagine my angst when I went to sign up for my 2016 enrollment online. But, the system was merciful (or my karma was good this time, never question good fortune). My application went through smoothly. I heaved a sigh of relief.

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